Expand Your Print Area

Looking for a specialized platen for your shop? The FreeJet 330TX and FreeJet 330TX Plus models have interchangeable platens to cover a variety of print areas and surfaces.

Customer Testimonials

GUSH Apparel is a Miami-based clothing and custom garment printing brand that has been thriving with both the custom DTG apparel printing business model and the fulfill on-demand clothing brand business model.
Fifty150 Brand is a popular up-and-coming brand based in Oxnard that personalizes and caters to all, while providing unique original designs with an urban twist! Learn all about why they chose the FreeJet 330TX Plus DTG Printer by OmniPrint and how it's taking their business model to new frontiers in this testimonial!
Travis of Marsuno Creative's testimonial of the FreeJet 330TX Plus and how it transformed his business into increasing revenue, sales, and how they went from one to four 330TX Plus DTG machines in 2 years!
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